Rosalind S. Richardson Center for the Arts

Wofford College, Spartanburg, SC

Rosalind S. Richardson Center for the Arts

Wofford College


57,000 SF

Structure Type

Reinforced masonry walls supporting steel framing

Construction Amount

$10-12 Million


McMillan Pazdan Smith


Robins & Morton



The Rosalind S. Richardson Center for Arts is a new, 57,000 SF, 3 story facility at Wofford College with approximate construction budget of $10-12 million. This facility will provide instructional and art studio space for the college as well as serve the greater community as a performance and arts venue. The project includes a 250-seat, multi-level theater, black box studio theatre, and an art museum.

The exterior structure is primarily reinforced masonry walls supporting steel framing along with areas of structural steel and concrete. Unique to the project are the multiple levels of steel supports required for pulley systems and lighting along with a basement level below the stage with an orchestra pit.

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Our specialty is our diversity - concrete, steel, masonry, mass timber, aluminum, bamboo...whatever is the best solution for the project is the solution we help you find and use.

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